Thursday, December 15, 2011

Be Bold - we must light a lamp and not put it under a bushel!

Last night I spoke to a Liberal Riding President from British Columbia.

She said that a major failing, as she saw it, of the Liberal Party was a failure to be bold. She said we are seen as timid.

I thought over what she said and realized it is true that the exciting initiatives of the past have been replaced by rather ordinary, work a day, proposals. The taming of the budget (a task largely undone now by the current government) was one of the last game changing actions taken by the Liberal Party.

In January we will be considering policies on some very significant issues -- for example, I had a good email exchange today with a youth member on the proposal to legalize marijuana. Now in my view the Executive Board is not there to drive policy but to implement it, but ... we need to have policies on tough issues. It's time that Parliament, and not judges, make decisions on social issues -- and if we lose a few votes, well, it's better to lose for a good cause than to lose for a bland colorless cause!

1 comment:

The Mound of Sound said...

Timid, pointless and irrelevant.

At a time when Canada faces such enormous challenges it's disgraceful that the LPC doesn't forcefully advance policies to address them. Read Andrew Nikiforuk's explanation of how that's precisely what happens in petro-states.

Your party wastes so much support and credibility chasing seats in Alberta it has no chance of winning.

Address bringing Canada back into good standing internationally by doing something effective to curb carbon emissions. Present policies to restore our crumbling national infrastructure. Demand the government take the gags off Environment Canada and get serious about climate change adaptation. Make British Columbia a bitumen-free zone. Act decisively to reverse the burgeoning gap between rich and poor. There's virtually no end of things the Liberal Party refuses to do to help Canada.

Get off your arses and do things that will reconnect with the Canadian public. If you can't get beyond daycare and arts funding then just go away.