Friday, December 9, 2011

The Irwin Cotler incident

The Irwin Cotler incident, where Conservative Party operatives spread false news that Irwin Cotler had resigned and a by-election was in the offing, is more than mere political dirty tricks.

It is far from uncommon for political activists to lose sight of the bigger picture and go too far. Sometimes, truth be told, political masters encourage such behaviour with a wink and a nod. That doesn't make dirty tricks right -- but it is a reality that must be accepted.

What makes the Cotler incident different is, on being caught, the Conservatives did not accept the behaviour was wrong -- indeed, they suggested it was entirely appropriate.

And that last, the Conservatives suggesting dirty tricks were neither dirty not tricky, is what makes the difference. We are looking at a Conservative Party that does not even bother to deny lying -- rather they revel in it.

This is a new attitude. It suggests that the Conservatives are not restrained by the conventional morals of the democratic process. It bodes ill for the future.


Carmichael said...

All I can say is "wow".

This is your first inkling of the perfidy of these asshats is it?

I say again "wow".

Kirbycairo said...

The problem is that in the past no political party has brought forward a serious set of policies that would ensure that such things are properly controlled. It is time for the LPC and the NDP to both present policies that significantly restrict the actions of political parties in general - restrict or eliminate advertising etc.

We can complain until we are blue in the face but until such policies are enacted we will continue to have these problems.

Anonymous said...

This is not new.

You seem blind to the nonsense that your party has pulled over the years. Truly sad.

I do not defend their actions;I only suggest that you shouldn't complain.

Gene Rayburn said...

Anonymous your logic is simply ridiculous. You put forth an argument without proof and then say "pipe down".


Anonymous said...


No wonder you guys were reduced to third party...

Anonymous said...

"I only suggest that you shouldn't complain."

Yes, how dare Canadians complain that their government is becoming the most dirty and corrupt ever. They should all sit down, shut up, and embrace fascism. It's the Conservative way.

P.S. Adscam!

James C Morton said...

Oh my -- well,in the past, Liberal scandals, and yes they exist, were not met with "it's ok". And remember Sinclair Stevens -- the Conservatives refused his nomination. But that was then and this is now!!!

The Rat said...

"Oh my -- well,in the past, Liberal scandals, and yes they exist, were not met with "it's ok"."

Really? It seems to me that rather than say they were OK your guys just ignored them or shuffled them off to your tame police force.

That said, what the CPC has done with Irwin Cotler is wrong and something I condemn. I do wish that Liberals would do the same when their guys crossed the line.

As for most scandal ridden... huh? I don't remember the CPS sicking the RCMP onto anyone like Chretien did to Francois Beaudoin, nor do I recall millions siphoned to Liberal bagmen and we still don't know which ridings received that cash.

Once again, I condemn the present tactics, find the Liberal outrage justified if not terribly self-aware.

Gene Rayburn said...

"No wonder you guys were reduced to third party..."

I didnt know I was a party. Woohoo!!!!

Kirbycairo said...

Yes, all parties have scandals. And each successive government has chipped away at democracy and strengthened the power of the PMO.

However, this government has clearly taken it to new heights of control and anti-democracy.

One thing I will say, and I say it with a staunch record of condemning every party where it is due, the Liberal Party did at least call a Public Inquiry into their Sponsorship scandal. The Conservatives have had several scandals of equal significance and they have demonstrated no hint of being accountable. In fact, I think it is safe to say that given the effects of the Gomery Commission, we will never see the Conservative Party call a public inquiry no matter how big the scandal. They simply have a strategy of ignoring everything, no matter how important. And this is setting a precedent - I think it is safe to say we will NEVER see a sitting government call an inquiry into its own actions again.

BTY Rat - your remark concerning the RCMP is way off when we consider that the RCMP broke its own rules during Martin's election campaign to say they were investigating the Budget leak. The RCMP intentionally broke its own rules to help the CPC win the election and the strategy worked.

The only conclusion we can reach is that the LPC and the CPC have fairly effectively turned us into a sort of Banana Republic.

Rotterdam said...

Its G. Gordon Liddyish.

Anonymous said...

There has been misrepresentation on abortion and health care by Libs for decades. Remember secret meetings between Klein and Harper to destroy healthcare?

When Lib MP's are caught drunk driving there is only the sounds of crickets. Not one MP as far as I know demanded he be thrown from caucus. Why? Because he was a Liberal.

Debts are not repaid etc. I go to jail if I refuse to pay debts. Libs don't.

Kirbycairo said...

Yes Anonymous and Conservative MPs are caught driving drunk and with Cocaine and a judge who is a long-time conservative essentially dimisses the case. They are all the same and each successive generation gets worse. But if you hated Liberal Corruption then you are just a blind Partisan if you continue to support this Government.

Anonymous said...

Kirby; The recent drunk driver resigned from caucus. Rodriguez was allowed to stayed as a Lib member without a peep from his party.

One party did the right thing one clearly does not take drinking and driving seriously. Why do they hate victims of drunk drivers so much?

I don't support the current gov't. I have never given them a penny. I will certainly look at the alternatives in four years (as all voters do) but it won't be the Libs.

Kirbycairo said...

Anonymous - That's good that you will try to hold this government accountable. But two things seem clear - One- Many people are blindly partisan and act as though when their party does something wrong it is ok. and Two - parties are institutions that obviously change over time; in a few years the Liberal Party will consist of entirely different people than the last Liberal Government and they might try to make some genuine reforms. Similarly, in ten years time most of the Harpercons will be gone and hopefully the new members of the Conservative Party will have more integrity and want to see real reforms instead of just hungering for power. I
think it matters less what your policy beliefs are an more what you are willing to embrace concerning the need to change the system so that it reflects more democracy and less corruption.

The Rat said...

"Many people are blindly partisan and act as though when their party does something wrong it is ok."

Lets be really clear on the blind partisan loyalty thing - The present CPC is a marriage between the Reform/Alliance and the PCs. Now why did that happen? There are lots of reasons but not least among them was disgust with the scandal ridden Mulroney-party. We totally destroyed our party because we'd had enough. What have Liberals done except talk incessantly about 'renewal'?

Rotterdam said...

Who ever anonymous is, he or she is right on the Rodriguez issue. It damages Liberal credibility.

Nadine Lumley said...

Here is the SMOKING GUN! ~~~~

The research firm at the centre of the controversy over calls into Liberal MP Irwin Cotler’s constituents did extensive work in the last election for Conservative candidates — including Speaker Andrew Scheer, who on Tuesday rejected Cotler’s breach of privilege claim.

Repost Jeff Clark - If a law falls in the House, does anybody hear?

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Nadine Lumley said...

Here is the SMOKING GUN! ~~~~

The research firm at the centre of the controversy over calls into Liberal MP Irwin Cotler’s constituents did extensive work in the last election for Conservative candidates — including Speaker Andrew Scheer, who on Tuesday rejected Cotler’s breach of privilege claim.

Repost Jeff Clark - If a law falls in the House, does anybody hear?

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