Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This excellent document comes from Dr. Carolyn Bennett, PC, MP and her team of 2011 Women Candidates. I endorse it fully!

Speaking to the core values of what we believe all members of the Liberal Party of Canada should embody if we wish to regain the trust of Canadians, members at all levels of our Party shall exhibit the following:

Integrity: established rules will be followed not just to the letter of the law but to the spirit as well. Integrity is not evaluated by someone’s ability or willingness to correct a misdeed once it is exposed, but rather not having misdeeds to expose.

In the case of elections within the Party, fundraising limits should be set and accountability guidelines established to ensure candidates are in compliance with the spirit of Elections Canada Act.

When nominations from the floor are accepted, a process of credentialing will be in place. Downloadable, untrackable memberships will not be accepted.


Civility: displaying respect towards colleagues and opponents alike and respect for the public trust held.

In contested nominations or any elections within our Party, regardless of the level of the race – i.e. EDA, PTA, National Board – the collection and hoarding of memberships for a last minute drop off at cut-off times is not respectful. This practice is not transparent nor does it take membership seriously. A fully transparent, accountable and trackable membership form must be retained with consistent cut-off timelines for all election races being established and adhered to.

Moral principles: The electorate must know what our values are with respect to the issues and why we hold the values we do so they may evaluate our actions and make accountability a criterion for performance.

We, as members of the Liberal Party of Canada, assume the obligation to be informed and keep the electorate informed. We will say what we will do, and then do it.

We will engage citizens between elections through a minimum number of townhall meetings and public forums. Enabling discussion and debate between elections lets people know we are not only interested in what is being said, but also that we take them seriously enough to allow a venue for public discourse, shows that we are listening, that we are including their views in our policies and platforms and that we are open and transparent in our actions.

All election meetings – EDA, PTA, National Board, or Nomination of Candidates as well as Executive meetings of the EDA Board— will be chaired and conducted by trained individuals and open to all members so as to ensure the fairness and consistency of our internal proceedings.

Sincerity: not having a hidden agenda, being straightforward, not being hypocritical or cynical.

A dispute resolution mechanism will be established to assist EDAs in resolving issues that threaten the strength and development of an EDA.

Lines of communication will flow in all directions across Party lines. Any communications to members will be sent directly to members, no longer relying on the EDA President to pass along information.

Honour: always conducting ourselves in a way that brings respect and value to democracy, respecting the process, the institutions and their value to citizens.

Liberal members should be proud to carry their flag publicly. Civic participation is a criterion of membership in the Party. An evaluation of each EDA will include regular participation in activities within the Riding which enhance the lives of constituents – e.g. public area clean up days, volunteer hours at a food bank, participation in community events.


Anonymous said...

People can say what they like.

Ignatieff was a good, decent person. He actually grew on me. He was too much of a gentleman, to stoop to Harper's level.

Harper disgusted many people by, his ugly attack on Ignatieff's family. Harper also accused Ignatieff of not being Canadian. Harper is not a true Canadian, he is a Reformer who founded the Northern Foundation Party, in 1989. That makes him a fascist and a dictator.

Is Harper so stupid, he doesn't know, it is the immigrant family's who built this country? They also sent their sons to war.

Six members of my family, were in WW11 so we wouldn't have someone, such as Harper running this country.

All Harper has done for this country is, focus on his own selfish goals, and to hell with the people.

One country's media said, how badly Harper is destroying democracy in Canada. Our Civil Rights and Liberties, have been taken away from us. Other country's see this, and Canadians didn't??? It was in our faces obvious. Now we are stuck with this monster.

Canadians are no longer proud to be Canadians. Our country has tuned into a, cesspool of corruption.

Anonymous said...

Anon. agree with you entirely. People should look up the Northern Foundation and Harper..get a good eyeful

Anonymous said...

So much for the civility Bennett was talking about. That sure didn't take long.

Some Liberals are still blaming others for their loss of entitlement. Ignatieff was attacked by Liberals long before he was ever leader of the party.

Bennett has missed the boat with the Libs heeding this advice by about a generation.

Anonymous said...


Does that sound scary Morton?

Why not allow anyone to put their name on the PM ballot, like in the USA?

To scared to do that though Morton?

Morton's friends have complete control over every institution in the country.

Do you really think that Morton and his friends want anyone from the "cattle" to get involved with politics?

Of course not. Morton and his friends are no different than Stalin or Mussolini.

If you don't carry their water, your done.