Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jurors rounded up off streets of London

Wow! Now this is an odd story!

They were going about their business on a bleak January morning. Hurrying to appointments or perhaps to work.

But in downtown, London, Ont., on Tuesday, 20 people had their plans change suddenly, when they were yanked off the street for jury duty.

A court hearing the trial of three men facing assault and threatening charges had gone through a panel of more than 130 prospective jurors but fell short of the 12 jurors required for the case.With one seat in the jury box left to fill, Superior Court Justice Kelly Anne Gorman exercised her power under the Criminal Code to have police and sheriff’s officers go out onto the streets to scare up prospec


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very odd indeed!

While I suppose some will argue this is legal it is not right.

Resorting to this tactic is a sign of incompetence.

I believe this is how they found crews for ships in Britain 200 years ago.

"Flog him Mr. Christian!"