Saturday, January 21, 2012

Latter-day Saints praised

In the current First Things, a highly influential if somewhat obscure journal of intellectual religious conservatives (generally Roman Catholic), there is a brief Opinion piece entitled "Mormonism Obsessed with Christ".

I had expected the piece to be harsh towards the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints.

It is not -- indeed, while not accepting the theology of the Book of Mormon the Opinion piece suggests Latter-day Saints to be worthy and genuine Christians.

This last point is important because First Things is an opinion leader and the Opinion piece may well (certainly is) driven by the candidacy of Mitt Romney for President.

1 comment:

Rotterdam said...

I know of few Mormons, and have a high regard for their devotion to family and commitment.
Last week, Ravi Zachariahs spoke for four straight nights at the Peoples Church in Willowdale. Over 1,500 every night.
Here he speaks to the LDS.