Monday, January 9, 2012

The real radicals are ... the Conservatives

... Oliver said radicals are "a group of people who don’t take into account the facts but are driven by an ideological imperative."

Errh, like people who keep fighting the War on Drugs even though all the evidence says it's a waste of time and counterproductive? Or who get rid of a mandatory long form census as a threat to liberty even though no one ever went to jail for not filling it out? Or who destroyed data on gun ownership so as to ensure the police could not use it even if the Provinces wanted to pay for maintaining it?


Anonymous said...

"Or who destroyed data on gun ownership so as to ensure the police could not use it even if the Provinces wanted to pay for maintaining it?"

Unless you are a tyrant, then history proves that gun control is tyrannical and anti-freedom.

Have you studies your history Morton?

Anonymous said...

The Liberals perused the war on drugs with vigor. The Liberals could have ended it but they would not, did not and will not. They will however promise to do so.

The long gun registry was draconian legislation worthy of Stalin, Castro or Mussolini! Bad legislation that will never resurface.

Jail time for not completing the long form census could have been dealt with by the Liberals. Liberals seem to like criminal sanctions for those that don't vote for them. That's what can we expect from those drunk with power.

Tories are far from perfect just better than a return to the contempt for Canadians shown by the Liberals in Ottawa.

Anonymous said...

How did radical come to mean wrong or bad? Weren't there radical abolitionists? Didn't radical feminists win the vote for women?

Anonymous said...

Glad to know the Liberals just "perused the war on drugs"... I wonder what they found?

Anonymous said...

"Tories are far from perfect just better than a return to the contempt for Canadians shown by the Liberals in Ottawa."

Well, at they didn't say 'Liebrals'. Maybe they are waking? Doubt it.

James C Morton said...

One point I agree with -- there is nothing wrong with being Radical!!!

Koby said...

"unless you are a tyrant, then history proves that gun control is tyrannical and anti-freedom.

Have you studies your history Morton?"

ha ha. I am sure Morton has a good understanding of history. It is evident, however, that you have none.

Please with cream and suger on top tell me how Tony Blair is the second Stalin for banning hand guns.

Look the issue with the gun registry is this. The number of legal gun owners in Canada, is huge (1.85 million) and with any large population certain very accurate predictions can be made about their future behavior. One thing we can know for sure is that a small percentage of "law-abiding duck hunters and farmers" will be convicted of a crime sometime in the future and that a small percentage will develop a mental disorder that will render them unsuitable for gun ownership at least for period of time. Now, even though this number is small in percentage terms, in absolute terms the numbers are quite large, in the 10s of thousands. Enter the gun registry. It makes it easier for authorities to seize the guns of people who should no longer have them. Why? Because the onus is on the gun owner in question to produce any registered weapons. If the police do not have proof that someone owns any unrestricted guns, how can they demand that he produce them?

By no longer registering long guns the Conservative government is making it much easier for thousands for criminals to keep their guns.

Koby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wilson said...

stay lukewarm fence sitting status quo Liberals, that mentality has served you well, eh.

Libs 'radical changes' computerized voting lists

Kirbycairo said...

Koby - anyone who claims (with good grammer or poor) that any form of gun control is equivalent to tyranny is so far down the road to nutville that it is hardly worth discussing.

Koby said...

One reason the Liberals are in the position they are in because they have not bothered to make any substantive arguments about any long standing issue. This is, especially so with regard to the gun registry. Other than blathering on about how the police chiefs support it they have said nothing. Zip. Nota.

They have also been far too keen to rise above it all. Whenever something outlandish is said they may they tut tut, but that is it. They should instead rejoice whenever a Conservative says something stupid and hold them up as objects of ridicule. Above all else they should taut them into saying more.

Anonymous said...

"Please with cream and suger on top tell me how Tony Blair is the second Stalin for banning hand guns."


"A new study suggests the use of handguns in crime rose by 40% in the two years after the weapons were banned. "

That was from the BBC back in 2001.

"Gun crime has almost doubled since Labour came to power as a culture of
extreme gang violence has taken hold.

The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year -a rise of 89 per cent.

In some parts of the country, the number of offences has increased more than five-fold."

Koby said...

God only knows what you trying to prove by citing these figures. For one they do not show what you think they show.

1) Look up UK crime stats and you find this warning. "The introduction of the NCRS in April 2002 means that figures prior to this date are not directly comparable with later figures."

2) You would do well to look at the BCS stats.

Anyway, again please with cream and suger on top tell me how Tony Blair is the second Stalin for banning hand guns.