Saturday, February 18, 2012

"No one expects a cabinet minister to know every single line of a piece of legislation,

but it is certainly alarming that the Minister of Public Safety was completely ignorant to an issue of fundamental freedom as serious as authorizing warrantless searches. This should never have happened, and must never happen again. Ministers clearly need to make a full understanding of the legislation they are promoting a higher priority, before they once again find themselves boxed in by their own bluster and rhetoric, forced to choose between supporting child pornographers or their own legislative proposals."

Matt Gurney: After careful consideration, Vic Toews sides with 'child pornographers'

1 comment:

  1. This isn't the first time that the Conservatives have shown that they aren't even doing the bare minimum of useful work to keep their job. The Conservative Omnicrime bill contained conflicting statements about marijuana and mandatory minimums (the rental/non-rental property thing). Their response? It's somehow the NDP's fault that they can't even read the legislation they propose themselves.

    Maybe someday we'll have a government that will read their own legislation, provide required cost estimates, and even listen to the suggestions and amendments suggested by the loyal opposition. That'd be nice.
