Sunday, February 19, 2012

Vic Toews responds to Vikileaks in letter to his riding

Vic Toews is totally right that his personal life ought not to be used for political advantage. And he is totally (even more) right that threats of violence (which I hadn't heard of before his letter) are wrong.

Privacy and the knowledge that you have a zone of autonomy in which you are free to live your life without the world scrutinizing you are necessary parts of a free society. Sometimes people will abuse that freedom to do criminal acts but that is a downside we accept in a free country.

And that's why Bill C-30 is unacceptable.


  1. You have a lot more empathy for Mr. Toews than I have. I can see a clear connection to his attack on all of us and any flack that he may be taking for it.

    His apparent complete lack of empathy for any of his opponents, and his having the nerve to compare any and all of them to pedaphiles and voyeurs who stalk the web for young victims is so far past the line of that which is acceptable that it sets him up to be the butt of jokes and derision. I have no problem with that whatsoever.

    As far as any real threats to his person, I see no evidence of that either, so I am willing to discount it as spin, to use a very kind term for it.

    It was known in 2008 that he had impregnated a 19 year old at the age of 60 and that he was married at the time and that he was divorced because of it. It was not as widely reported then as it should have been.

    I cannot imagine how he has managed to continue as an elected MP in the wake of that.

    It is one thing to claim to be the advocate of Victims, which is his constant loud refrain, but to be the source of such victimization as was apparent in 2008 and still have the nerve to do what he does everyday and impugn with a broad brush so many others is the height of hypocrisy.

    Let him off the hook that easily if you must, but pardon me if I do not do so.

  2. I agree with Kim Leaman

  3. What is appalling and hypocritical is how many will justify these actions, simply because it’s against someone they don’t agree with.
    There was classic PR noise when it was corrected that Michael Ignatieff’s family were not average Canadians and I’d bet, many of these same people were shaming those who would bring family into politics. Associating pedophiles with people who oppose this bill was stupid but personal attacks of this sort bring down all politicians.

  4. So a CON bully got a taste of his own medicine.... about time, I say.

  5. No Rainman, it's not just that we disagree with him. I often disagree with my staunchly conservative friends but we remain friends as we have for 30+ years. They, however, aren't mean-spirited, sanctimonious, hypocritical pricks like Toews.

    Threats are over the limit, plainly excessive and criminal. Ridicule, however, is richly deserved.

  6. No Rainman, it's not just that we disagree with him. I often disagree with my staunchly conservative friends but we remain friends as we have for 30+ years. They, however, aren't mean-spirited, sanctimonious, hypocritical pricks like Toews.

    Threats are over the limit, plainly excessive and criminal. Ridicule, however, is richly deserved.

  7. "Vic Toews is totally right that his personal life ought not to be used for political advantage."

    He should have thought of that before loudly claiming the position of holier-than-thou, moral majority, gay marriage will lead to polygamy, heterosexual marriage being a unique sacrament, etc (as vikileaks quoted him) for his own political advantage.

    And the Conservatives in general should have thought of that before their disgusting attacks against Michael Ignatieff's family. They had their crazy base posting that Ignatieff's grandfather was in league with Stalin.

  8. And then he lies in a letter to his constituents!! And did the media report this??? NO - they are all afraid, very afraid and just cover up.

  9. I suspect my point got lost. The very privacy he now claims he is entitled to (and he is entitled to it) is what he seeks to remove from everyone else. Obviously that was what Vikileaks was saying.

  10. No, James that point was made I think, and well made. I get the irony and the hypocrisy.

    But until I see what those alleged threats might have been, and it is proven to me that they were real. I will file them as alleged.

    He lied about his knowledge of the Bill. And even though he had no clue what was in it at all, he still thought it OK to change the name of it to one of those Idiotic Ideocon Idioms.

    You want to protect Canadian citizens and their children? Elect men that can be trusted.

  11. I deleted the last Anon posting, not because of the substance but because of a sexual reference -- I don't pull anything except for violence and sex -- if Anon wants to repost without the sex go ahead and I won't pull it.
