Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Robocalls: Cui bono?

The robocalls needed major funding and information. They could have been done by wealthy outsiders with good intelligence but as always cui bono:

John Ivison: Stephen Harper must show robocalls scandal is more incompetence than malice

"If the orders didn't come from the top, could such a campaign have been carried out by a rogue operator at riding level? Not likely say the handful of campaign veterans I canvassed. For starters, who would have fronted up the $30,000 or so such a co-ordinated effort would have cost? Riding associations can barely fund their own campaigns. Secondly, the Tory voter identification database, the Constituent Information Management System, is highly compartmentalized and riding level operatives would not have had access to voter IDs for other parts of the country. Even regional organizers had limited access."

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