Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wagner - Parsifal - Furtwängler (1938)

A pretty clean recording with some fine illustrations:


The Rat said...

German is a funny language if you like bathroom humour. Every time I read Furtwängler I see 'fart wrangler'. When in Berlin I almost laughed myself to death after seeing a taxi with a sign saying 'fahrt mit erdengas' Ha! Fart with natural gas!! Oh God, that's gold, Jerry.

Finally, a sign in a laundromat in east Berlin: A pretty girl, scantily clad and posing somewhat sexually captioned with 'Wir suchen dich'. I had to ask my wife if that sign meant what I thought it meant, 'cause if it did, wow was prostitution ever open in Germany!

James C Morton said...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, pretty funny if you are an ignorant north american who doesn't know German or any other language besides English!