Wednesday, March 14, 2012

House of Commons to hold abortion debate in April

OTTAWA — A controversial proposal from a Conservative backbencher to legally define fetuses as human beings — and reopen the abortion debate — will have its day in the House of Commons.


sassy said...

A convenient "bright shinny" distraction from RoboFraud.

Anonymous said...

Does Morton really believe that I should be forced to pay for someone's cosmetic abortion????

Unless the mother will die, which then any doctor would have to abort a baby, why should I be forced to pay for someone's cosmetic abortion?

Please explain it that to me Morton.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what the house of commons is for?

It is called democracy.

If you know a better system then by all means....

Although this specific proposal is not something I'd support I do believe that fully funded gender selective abortion is repugnant.

We need to discuss these things from time to time. We need to treat Canadian voters like adults.

Anonymous said...

Here's a very good reason Anon.

Anonymous said...

"Here's a very good reason Anon."

To who? The couple of loons who wrote the article?

So let me get this straight.

Locking people up in jail doesn't reduce or deter crime.

But abortion does.

You progressives who have never lived outside the bubble you are currently in, are truly lacking in common sense.

Anonymous said...

"If you know a better system then by all means...."

I know a better system. Allowing people to referendum their own laws.

How does that sound???

Why not let the Canadian people decide the issue? Wouldn't that be true democracy????

Anonymous said...

A referendum?

No Liberal government would allow such a thing. You know the old saying that you don't ask a question when you don't know what the answer will be.

Anonymous said...

When we start from the position that highly respected academics are a "couple of loons", you know we are dealing with a person of high intellectual caliber.

Decreasing the number of unwanted children benefits society. Should that be done through abortion alone? Of course not.

Anonymous said...

"highly respected academics are a "couple of loons""

What have these two guys done to deserve respect?????

Anonymous said...

What is an 'academic'?

Anonymous said...

Really?!? No wonder we're so f'd up.

Anonymous said...

If you accept the premise that the study is suggesting then the presumption is that women who seek abortions tend to be on the fringes of society and that they make poor mothers.

Even if you buy it hook and sinker it still wouldn't support gender selective or third trimester abortions etc.

It is not an all or nothing debate.

Anonymous said...

This issue was decided years ago and if this continues politicans may as well forget the female vote in this country in the near future. Let's get on with something much more important as are we as a nation going to help one in four children to be able to participate in sports or take music or dance or art lessons??? What about the economy? This abortion issue is as important as a flying fart in space and is monetarily wasteful, time consumming and a great big black ball to divert the real issues in this country. Are men really feeling they are losing control over women's vigians or over women period that they have to drag this up? Then again, perhaps that is the problem since 67% of women in this country get a University education and are leaving men behind. Anyong.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the old "issue is closed" argument. That line will come in handy when the debate about senate reform, election reform, marijuana laws, euthanasia etc. comes up.

You'd be surprised at the number of women who oppose full funding for all abortion. They are individuals who can speak for themselves. They have their own opinions. I know it is hard to believe but that is why they were given the vote dispite the issue being closed back in the 1800's.

Anonymous said...

"How are we as a nation going to help one in four children to be able to participate in sports or take music or dance or art lessons??"