Monday, March 12, 2012

Mayor Ford -- the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act is not in play

I'm not a fan of Mayor Ford -- but the allegation he should be removed from office for conflict of interest is fanciful.

Does anyone seriously think that Mayor Ford was influenced on his vote by the $3,150 in donations? Of course not -- he was influenced by the embarrassment of being ordered to return the donations -- there is no material pecuniary issue here. The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act is not in play:

4. Section 5 does not apply to a pecuniary interest in any matter that a member may have,


(k) by reason only of an interest of the member which is so remote or insignificant in its nature that it cannot reasonably be regarded as likely to influence the member. R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, s. 4; 2002, c. 17, Sched. F, Table; 2006, c. 32, Sched. C, s. 33 (1).


Anonymous said...

he's a communist and so are your bears

Anonymous said...

As a lawyer you should promote obeying the rules. Do you think laws shall only be applied when it is convenient?

How many officiers toss around traffic offences without any real evidence? A citizen still has to go to court to fight it. Is it because of his position you think it doesn't apply?

In this case there is factual evidence that has witnesses and has been recorded. He evenwas given a chance to rectify the situation and he compounded the infraction. He then involved more receptive council members to make it "go away".

The mayor of Mississsauga has done the same thing and her cronies on council have supported her so the only recourse was citizen action.

And this was her second offense!!!

Unless these politicians get their hands slapped even for the smallest infraction, it can only get worse.

That is when corruption takes over.

It is like Hazel McCallion just because the deal fell through does not mean a crime was not attempted.

If you try to steal and are unsuccessfull it is still a crime.

The only good thing you can say about the wrongdoers is that they were unsuccessful.

So lets slap his hand at this so further infractions will not occur.