Thursday, April 19, 2012

“Let me be clear – maximum security offenders will be moved to maximum security units at existing facilities”

Errrh, where?

The closure of the Kingston Penitentiary doesn't mean that inmates held there can expect lighter treatment, Toews said, adding that the closure would increase the safety of Canadians.

"Let me be clear – maximum security offenders will be moved to maximum security units at existing facilities," he said. "The same will be true for medium security offenders."

Millhaven Institution is the closest maximum security facility to Kingston Penitentiary and according to CSC, it's already about 112 inmates over capacity. The maximum security and special handling unit in Saint-Anne-des-Plaines, Que. which housed notorious child killer Clifford Olson before he died, is already 217 inmates above capacity. Maximum security institutions in Alberta and B.C., are at capacity.

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