Thursday, November 27, 2014

Inukjuak, Resolute and Grise Fjord

Inukjuak, Quebec is tragically related to Resolute Bay and Grise Fjord, communities created 2000 km away in the High Arctic. 

In 1953 Inuit from Inukjuak were involuntarily relocated north by the Government of Canada, essentially, in order to act as flagpoles. They represented Canada's efforts to occupy the uninhabited High Arctic and counter the feared expansionist activities of other nations. 

Families were split up and relocatees were placed in the cruel position where to survive they had to quickly acquire new hunting techniques in the face of much harsher climatic conditions.

I have been to Resolute and Grise and anyone who says you can hunt there as in Nunavik is lying or has never been to the High Arctic. How the relocatees survived is astonishing. 

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