Friday, September 5, 2008

Green Shift Injunction -- Cui Bono?

The timing here is quite interesting.

I suppose it might be that the election will spur more reference to the Green Shift etc and that explains why there may be an injunction sought.

On the other hand there has been lots of time to move before now and bringing an injunction now as opposed to, say, two weeks ago, suggests there may be a reason to seek very public relief now. Cui Bono?

'Green Shift' firm steps up legal action against Grits

A Toronto-based environmental consulting firm has asked the courts to keep the Liberal Party of Canada and its candidates from using the name Green Shift for its policy platform.

Jennifer Wright, owner of Green Shift Inc., first accused the Liberals of infringing on the trademarked name of her company in July, but speculation of an imminent federal election moved her to get the case in front a judge as soon as possible.

"Basically I'm hoping to stop them from destroying our name because if it goes through an election we're forced with re-branding our entire company," Wright told in a phone interview Thursday. "We're just fighting to do everything we can to keep our name intact and to keep it associated with the environmental company and the integrity that it upholds and not have it politicized."

She added: "They are taking more and more of the ownership of the name every day, even in the way the media reports on them it becomes almost synonymous with the Liberal party."

Full story here:


Steve V said...

It would be nice if Wright could present some evidence of the impact on her company. Instead of chasing the media, why doesn't she release some information to support her supposed financial hit, as a result of those dasdardly Liberals. I'm willing to bet, that all this controversy has meant MORE business for her company, and the fact she seems unable to quantify this supposed impact speaks to that.

This is more like a crusade now, Wright emboldened by people with agendas, can't seem to resist the limelight.

penlan said...

I find it suspect that Wright steps this up just as an election is about to break. You can say that it's because the words Green Shift will be prominent - actually it would be so much better if the word "Plan" were used immediately after Green Shift everytime it's mentioned verbally &/or written - but I sense this may have more to do with Con strategy & help. Is she being financed, in some way, by the Conservatives? After all she is going to court over this I believe, & I do remember her saying she didn't have the finances to do that.

I may be way off base on this but it is poking at my brain. And I agree with Steve, let's see some information about how it really is affecting her business. She has presented nothing. Words only, no facts.

Unknown said...

Just wondering how much business Mrs. Wright will lose from genuine customers who lean more toward the Liberal side if she proceeds with this lawsuit.
She claims many people who called would not purchase her products because of the words Green Shift. How many of those people were legitimate customers.

Anonymous said...

All three posters miss the point. It was total rank amateurism that caused this snafu in the first place. If the Liberal braintrust had just taken the 5 mins to check around the Internet and see if the name was already taken, all of this could've been avoided.

If it was the Conservatives that had done this, you'd all be (rightly) laughing it up. Cluelessness is not a defence.