Friday, September 19, 2008

Public campaign events

The Liberal listserve sent out the following factoid tonight:

Number of campaign events Stephen Harper has held that were open to the public: 0

Number of campaign events Stéphane Dion has held that were open to the public: 26, including three town halls

Now I assume the information is correct; maybe a Conservative reader (if I haven't driven them all off) can correct it if it isn't.

Assuming the information is true it is a striking portrait of the difference between Harper and Dion.

I cannot believe a Prime Minister Dion would not hold public election events.

Yes, when you have a solid lead you rag the puck but that's not really the case in this election -- Harper is not 20 points ahead. Moreover, a public event or two in Alberta would not likely turn into an "attack Harper"fest. So why the lack of public events?

Or is the factoid just not true?
James Morton
1100 - 5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4


Anonymous said...

No, it's true. I read it somewhere else in the last few days. Can't recall where.

Let them flail and continue to show their true colours so that we don't end up with a horrific government again.

Please....don't help them.

Anonymous said...

Well, I was at a Harper event this evening, in Rockland, that was open to the public. I know because I told friends and they went too. There was the normal security by the RCMP but otherwise, people were walking in the door, getting a Harper sticker and enjoying the show. Perhaps, you haven't tried to attend any of the events and are just making up your "facts". Wouldn't be the first time a voter couldn't trust the word of a Liberal.

Anonymous said...

Ron, let me clear this up for you.

I'll bet YOU are a Conservative supporter. And as such, I'm sure YOU were invited. You knew where and when to be to see Harper. Because heaven knows the media doesn't get told. They're reported that. They never know where they're headed until very very shortly before they show up.

I can tell you, in my city, a major important city to get votes for Conservatives, I found out when Harper was here. Not from my local paper. Not from my local radio. Not from any media anywhere. I found out from the Starbucks cashier in drive thru who told me the police car that just left was escorting Harper around for the day. Yep. Police knew. Public didn't.

Your friends got in because they were invited, like you. Anybody "just showing up" was also invited. If you're a Con supporter, you got the memos. The public though, not so much.

It's your word and any Conservative's word that can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

It's very in line with his whole leadership style. So much for transparency, huh?