Saturday, April 2, 2011

"Mr. Harper looking scared of Mr. Ignatieff"


"Indeed, if there was one issue that typified the strange dynamics of Week 1, that was surely it. In a rare public misstep, Mr. Harper said he would welcome a one-on-one debate with Mr. Ignatieff. Then, when the Liberal Leader publicly took him up on it, the Conservative Leader meekly backed away.

Perhaps it was just a blip, a momentary shift in the power dynamic. Perhaps that's what this whole week was. But strange things can happen when the stakes are so much higher for one side than the other. And Mr. Harper looking scared of Mr. Ignatieff, rather than the other way around, is right up there."

1 comment:

Stephen Downes said...

Harper's public mis-steps aren't that rare -- here in New Brunswick, he got the name of the city he was in wrong, and didn't know the name of the local candidate. That's just today. The problem is, the media doesn't report them (though maybe the 'one question per press conference' rule will give them more latitude).

Anyhow - every time he visits a Tim Horton's, the Liberals should remind him that this is not a medical clinic (because here in NB, a doctor actually used a Tim Horton's as a medical clinic because the hospital was out of space).