Monday, August 18, 2008

Alberta Falls


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that is a beautiful photo. It contracts unfortunately with the miles and miles of patchy dying forest I drove through yesterday in British Columbia as entire mountainsides are losing forest due to the pine beetle devastation.

Having read about it and even seeing photos, I had not experienced it in person to appreciate just how extensive the damage is. Those forests will never be the same, and it does put fear in you that it could just be the beginning as other trees succumb to disease from climate change.

If you could just take everyone to those mountains in Canada for a day, there would be no question that something must be done to change global habits on carbon fuels.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

sorry for the repeat posts . . . not even sure how that happened.

Anonymous said...

an absolutely gorgeous shot of the spectacular natural beauty that defines Canada!