What a difference a week makes.
Last Monday who would have imagined that we could be looking at a new election? Or a coalition government under Liberal leadership? Or Stephen Harper proroguing Parliament until January when he could come back with a full-fledged economic plan?
(Or that Harper, after uniting the Right would go one step further and unite the Left? Say what you will about the man he does get results!)
That said, in the midst of a truly catastrophic economic collapse we don't have the luxury of letting the country run itself -- we must have a government that governs.
For now I don't really care who that government is. (Yes I want a Liberal government long term but what we need right now is a competent government of any stripe).
The Conservatives, if they take into account the views of the majority of MP's (remember the Conservatives are a minority), can be a good competent government. I'll admit that the bizarre combination of inaction and partisan pot shots in the economic update makes me doubt their ability to govern but it's still possible.
A Liberal/NDP coalition would be unlikely to last long but it has the benefit of being sure to move quickly on economic issues. The concern about the Bloc cooperating is bogus because Bloc cooperation is what kept Harper in power. My bigger concern, as a Blue Liberal, is going too far left with the NDP but in times like these that's a risk I'll take.
The worst thing would be for Harper to prorogue Parliament (and, what, govern by fiat?). We need leadership. I can accept that leadership from Harper if it's real. I can also accept it from a coalition.
James Morton
1100 - 5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4
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