Monday, March 9, 2009

Peter MacKay as secretary-general of NATO?

Interesting concept and, to a degree, flattering to Canada. Certainly Peter MacKay is a good face for NATO -- one might wonder if he would be a lesser rival to the Prime Minister as Secretary -General. Certainly he is one of the more competent Cabinet Ministers so his loss would be felt; but he is a little to 'red' for the Conservatives so perhaps there's another reason to want him gone.
James Morton


Anonymous said...

A wonderful idea. Getting Pete out of the country would be a good thing for Canada.
Maybe he'd take Kenney along as his assistant.

Patrick Ross said...

Peter MacKay would make an excellent Secretary-General of NATO.

It may make him less of a rival to Stephen Harper in the short term, but it would probably solidify his future leadership of the Conservative party.

Anonymous said...

A nice idea. It may make him less of a rival to Stephen Harper in the short term, but it would probably solidify his future leadership of the Conservative party.