Friday, April 10, 2009

I rather like mashed potatos without gravy

(I am Canadian!!!!!)

(And listen to the CBC)(even if I don't always agree with it)

If this seems too obscure a reference for you, don't worry about it. I'm referring to an actor cum musician who doesn't like Canada and has decided not to play here ... .
James Morton


MarkhamMom said...

my mom was actually at the performance in Ottawa. the guy is a freak. He was all pissy b/c the host was instructed NOT to talk about his acting career.. and he didn't except in the intro. The so-called musician fails to realize that the only reason he even HAS any type of success with his band is b/c of his fame and success as an actor. He can't have it both ways... whiny baby

kathleen said...

update: BBT cancelled the rest of his Canadian tour dates - he got booed in T.O. .. and his absence was cheered in Montreal... funny what Canadians will unite over, huh?