Thursday, May 14, 2009

More attack ads stuff

The trouble is that old style politics can have an effect. The ads are pretty weak but are clearly just the first of many. Note how this piece, from the Edmonton Sun, uses the ads as a way to diss Michael ('shine a spotlight'):

Ignatieff dismisses Tory attack ads

KATHLEEN HARRIS AND CHRISTINA SPENCER, NATIONAL BUREAUOTTAWA -- New Conservative attack ads that shine a spotlight on Michael Ignatieff's 34 years outside Canada were dismissed as a "diversionary tactic" by the Liberal leader yesterday.

"On a day when we've got record bankruptcies, we've got unemployment skyrocketing, all this government can think of doing is running attack ads on me," Ignatieff said.

"This is the old style of politics. We're in the middle of a serious economic crisis. This government needs to grow up and do its job properly."

Story here:
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


stooner said...

Hi James
I'm hoping someone intelligent in OLO is reading this comment.
LPC MUST reply to these ads with the same.
Negative advertising works. Canadians listen and believe them.
Don't try to convince yourselves otherwise or Iggy will become Dion part 2 very very fast.
A response via blogs is completely inadequate.

penlan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
penlan said...

"stooner" is right. Harper is now in election mode & this is the 1st, bigger, shot off the bow. The Libs had better start doing something NOW.

wilson said...

Surely the LPC has attack ads in the vault!
Over and over they have threatened to bring down the govt in June, that's a few weeks away.

Right out of the leadership gates, 'EI reform 360 or we force an election'!!

Was Iffy just kidding?