Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Global Day of Action for Human Rights and Solidarity with Iran

Global Day of Action for Human Rights and Solidarity with Iran on July 25th 2009

‘Rallies Planned in More Than 50 Cities all over the World’

PURPOSE: People all around the world, in more than fifty cities, will gather in solidarity with the Iranian people following over a month of intensified state repression against citizens peacefully demonstrating for their rights. Many have been killed in the streets, hundreds have been beaten and injured, and at least 2,000 are thought to have been detained.

Our core demands are as follows:
1. That member states and civil society organizations of the international community give sustained attention to the Iranian people’s human rights as a matter of international concern, and that the UN should immediately initiate an investigation into grave and systematic human rights violations in Iran, including the fate of prisoners and disappeared persons, unlawful killings, and torture and other ill-treatment;
2. An end to state-sponsored violence, accountability for crimes committed and no recourse to the death penalty.
3. The immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience, including
politicians, journalists, students, and civil society activists; and
4. Freedom of assembly, freedom of association, and freedom of expression (including
freedom of the press) as guaranteed by the Iranian constitution and Iran’s obligations under international covenants that it has signed.

DATE: Saturday 25th 2009
TIME: 11:30 am – 2:00 pm
PLACE: Wellesley St. West & Queens Park Crescent East Intersection North of Ontario Parliament (accessible through both Museum and Queens Park Subway Stations)


http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&tab=wl&q=Wllesley%20street%20west%20and%20queens %20park%20crscent%20east%20intersection

• At 11:30 am the rally will start with bidding farewell to a group of Iranian and Canadian cyclists
who will travel over 450 km from Toronto to Ottawa to deliver a petition initiated by Amnesty
International to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ottawa. Please visit


for more information regarding the petition being
• Next, the rally walk will start at Queen’s Park North. We invite our respected Canadian politicians and members of government to join us in this walk in support and solidarity with Iran.
• The rally will end with a scheduled 24 hours hunger strike in unison with New York hunger strike in front of the UN. Please visit http://strike4iran.com for more information.
• Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Laureate
• Iranian League for Defense of Human Rights (LDDHI)
• International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran
• Human Rights Watch
• Reporters without Borders
• Amnesty International USA
• PeaceJam
• Nobel Women’s Initiative
• Physicians for Human Rights (PHR)
• Omid Advocates for Human Rights
• Amnesty International Canada
• Cycling for Human Rights in Iran
• Iranian Canadian Congress (ICC)
• Iranian Television Canada
• Iran star
• Labour Start Canada
• Neda Peace for Iran
• Salam Toronto
• Shahrvand
• Global Organizers: www.united4iran.com
• Toronto Organizing Sponsors: www.solidaitywithiran.com
• Toronto Contact Person:
Lily Pourzand
Tel: (647) 284-0281
Email lily.solidaritywithiran@gmail.com

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