Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's not Miller's fault

I'm not a big fan of Toronto's Mayor Miller -- but fair is fair and the attacks on him for the Toronto garbage strike are misguided.

Yes, there were optics that could have been dealt with better. The police raises were arbitrated and that's not widely known and the Council increases were COLA which is also not widely known. But perfect optics would not have avoided a strike.

The main issue is that the City wants to remove banked sick days.
Now, while banked sick days seem odd, they are a vested entitlement of the employees and it's reasonable for them to fight for them. That said, they are likely too costly for the City. The banked sick days may well have to go or be compromised but the fight over them is legitimate from both sides.
Bottom line, we'd have strike regardless of who was Mayor.
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


Cari said...

I don't live there, but when it comes to money, the Mayor and Council, should not have given themselves a raise, first.

We are lucky,... we have have a private garbage firm, who have been no hastle at all, for years.

Savant said...

I disagree. When you have a mayor that walks into the mayor's office as a card carrying member of the NDP then it stands to reason the union will expect things to be rosy - and it was. The unions got everything they wanted, including new jobs when the city took over garbage collection from private contractors in the old borough of York. So imagine the rude awakening for unions when their former best-bud Mayor Miller turns on them. This is what happens when cities run out of money, and they know they can't go running to the province anymore when Ontario is running record deficits. Mark my words, when the next election comes Miller will be out and the next mayor will be left with a huge financial mess to clean up from Miller's big spending. You thought it was bad after Harris? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Cari said...

Yes Ontario is running deficits because of Harper telling Ontario thy had to split down the middle of all he spent on Ontario, plus the money given to GM and Chrysler