Thursday, August 6, 2009

A new idea

I have noticed that many comments are totally off topic -- so readers comment on the Sponsorship Scandal in a Polar Bear post. For a moment I thought of pulling the comments, but then I thought again because I never pull comments unless violent, sexually explicit or bigoted. Even if you think I am totally wrong -- and many comments suggest that -- I am happy for the response.

So, I will try to post once in a while calling for comments on anything. Perhaps that will spark posts but, if not, it will still allow for an exchange.



Anonymous said...

Good idea, I think more bloggers should do this. Once a week might suffice.

Anonymous said...

My comment is about noise pollution. I would like to request that people refrain from using those keyless entry/exit beeping signals when parking their cars. It's a real pain for those of us who live on city streets where there a lot of vehicles coming and going.

Anonymous said...

I want to hear your opinion on this debacle:


Bert said...

Sponsorship Scandal posts in a Polar Bear thread ?. I'm Conservative and even I think that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1pm: Seems to me the convention centre did the right thing. The contract stated that no weapons were allowed and daggers are weapons whether or not they are worn for religious reasons.