"It makes no sense to allow civil servants, such Saskatchewan's marriage commissioners, to "opt out" of their duties, such as marrying same-sex couples, on religious grounds—because, duh, their positions have nothing to do with religion. For us, the dead-giveaway that this is just cheap pandering to social conservatives is that it only focuses on same-sex marriage and religion. If it was really about choice, why not simply allow marriage commissioners to "opt out" of marrying anyone for any reason?"
Full Pundit
Where does this stop? What if a marriage commissioner doesn't like mixed marriages - colour or faith?
They are hired to perform marriages - not be judge and jury.
If they won't - fire them and get someone who's willing to do their job.
Can you imagine you and your fiancé(e) going to a town/city hall, standing in front of a marriage commissioner, only to be told, "Wait a moment. I have to contact my colleague in the village so that he can complete the documents to have you two married. It'll take an hour for him to arrive. I won't complete your documents because I disagree with gay, bi-racial, or inter-faith marriages."
If a person is not willing to perform his/her duty as a civil marriage commissioner, then that person should not be one at all.
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