Friday, June 4, 2010

Helen Thomas: Go home to Europe, Jews -- did she really say this? Is there a credible source?

A few years ago a major Canadian paper ran a story saying Jews in Iran would henceforth have to wear a Star of David in public. I remember urging caution on someone who wanted to do a major press release -- the story felt wrong.

It was wrong.

The claims made about what Helen Thomas is supposed to have said seem bizarre for a long-time journalist -- even if she is well known to dislike Israel.

I will believe this story when I have confirmation -- for now I merely note that if Jews are "home" in Europe then presumably they are not "home" in America or Canada or Australia or India or Africa or Iran.


Anonymous said...

For crying out loud, she says it in front of a rolling camera. It's on YouTube!

The Mound of Sound said...

She considers Israel to be occupied Palestinian territory. It's not quite expel the Jews to Europe even if it's depicted that way. Here's the link:

To those who believe religion to be outright fantasy, her point is arguable. Without believing that God gave the Holy Land to the Israeli people it's pretty hard to justify the Palestinian ouster.

Anonymous said...

"To those who believe religion to be outright fantasy, her point is arguable."

Of course, moving them from Israel to Germany be hard to implement. They would have to be housed in camps, until enlightened people, like yourself, Mound of Sound, come up with some sort of Final Solution to deal with the irritating problem of these unwelcome Jews.

James Curran said...

Of course trapping Palestinians in 40 square miles of land is much mor humane than camps.

Anonymous said...

How about focusing on why detainee docs are still not being released?

The Rat said...

"Of course trapping Palestinians in 40 square miles of land is much mor humane than camps."

Yeah, 'cause up until '67 they had so much freedom of movement under the benevolent rule of Jordan and Egypt. Good god, these are Arabs, the same as any other Arab, and they could have lived in any of a dozen Arab states if their fellow Arabs hadn't locked them away in the West Bank and Gaza first. The creation of a separate "Palestinian" people has been a propaganda coup, and the idea that all the problems began in '67 is another huge lie.

James Curran said...

Oh. Well then in that case rat, just bulldoze them into the sea. My apologies. Carry on.

The Mound of Sound said...

Anon 8:28, you're the sort of vile filth that we've come to expect in discussions of these problems. Unlike (I'm sure) loudmouth human garbage like you, my family - on both sides - went through the European war and paid dearly for it. Don't give me any of your "Final Solution" bullshit although, for someone like you, I might be tempted. Love to meet you some day, one on one.