Thursday, August 19, 2010

Enough personal attacks on Rob Ford

I'm not voting for him.

But not because he might have been charged with possession of marijuana in Florida.

In fact, just about the only reason I could imagine leading me to vote for him is sympathy for the personal attacks.

I don't care who smoked dope, slept/sleeps with whom or the like. I do care about what they would do as Mayor.

Let's focus on that.


Anonymous said...

I don't care if he smoked dope. I care that he says people should go to jail for doing what he did. He's a creep.

Anonymous said...

Right on James! Enough, but the 'opposition' is desperate, hence creating ugly politics.

Although I'm politically on the extreme left, and do find Ford kind of crass, I also find his political honesty very refreshing! Everyone else becomes cautious, talks on both sides of their mouth, says what they think we want to hear -such turn off. Ford is refreshingly different. There, I said it. And seems many Torontonians agree.

Daria S.

Anonymous said...


Political honesty isn't burying your criminal past while pulpit-preaching about criminals.

Anonymous said...


Hey don't you have a name? 'burying your criminal past' oh paaleeeseee. Ford's human, the Florida story's petty cash, and btw I really like the way he deals with these smears.

Now.. what about other candidates 'dirty laundry'?? Will it be pulled out, but sorry don't have time to read trash. Wake up - other candidates - if all you have to offer are attacks on Ford, you're in the wrong campaign. OR maybe you're working on his campaign coz - you're getting more people to support him.

Daria S

Skinny Dipper said...

The fact that others are attacking Ford demonstrates that he is the leading candidate. Ford does have some positives with his loyal supporters. He wants to change the financial direction of the Toronto's city hall government.

Rossi needs to demonstrate that he is the best all-round candidate. Fiscal responsibility is one thing; balancing this with providing meaningful services is another. Rossi needs to espouse the latter quite clearly. At the same time, he needs to be honest that he is a political insider with the Liberal Party. He cannot state that he is the non-politician politician. He is very much a politician politician. I do remember that Brian Mulroney was once a non-politician politician when he ran for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative party in 1983.