Thursday, August 19, 2010

Nugget of reality in Rob Ford's comment on immigration?

I am an immigrant.

Toronto's vitality and excitement comes from diversity and "out of many one".

So I do not agree Toronto needs to be an immigrant free zone -- in fact, if that is what Rob Ford actually meant, it is deeply offensive. 

But ... it is true that Toronto has an infrastructure of a city of a million and the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area ("GTHA") is three times that going to four or five times that.

And that growth is inevitable -- and saying we should put a giant wall around southern Ontario's centre is preposterous! 

Put another way, even if immigration to Canada stopped tomorrow people from Pembroke and Halifax and Cape Dorset would still come to the GTHA and continue its growth.

So what is to be done?

We can't stop the growth (and blaming "the immigrants", while a traditional concept, is just silly). So maybe we should try to create the infrastructure a city of 5,000,000 needs.

Regular readers will know I like Rocco Rossi for Mayor -- but regardless of my preferences look to who has a practical plan for public transit. Who has a plan for neighbourhood parks and policing and garbage collection?  Who can suggest ways to limit environmental degradation?

We can't stop growth -- we shouldn't even try to lock the city gates -- but we can try to make growth work and keep the GTHA the place we want it to be.


Anonymous said...

Well..I'll say it then. When people from North Bay, Pembroke, Sudbury and Ottawa move to Toronto its normally because of jobs, then, they buy houses or rent appartments with their money, and, houses or apartments can be built with their money...taxes from permits are then used to build infrastructure. When 125,000 immigrants or refugees are placed into Toronto they have no jobs and they have no money, housing is built with other peoples money and the health and education system becomes strained. Its ironic and a bit sad that Toronto, the major Liberal stronghold is about to buckle under the weight of Federal downloads to the Provinces when Paul Martin decided to balance his books by getting someone else to pay for it. billg

Peter MacQuarie said...

Sure, it's really easy to find fault in RF's words but what about finding in his words that which resonates so well with Toronto residents? Only then will you see how we sorely need a Mayor who will cut to the chase and put this City and its public administration back on the rails. It didn't need to be RF but it's too late now. Unless of course the other mayoral candidates want to park their motherhood statements and come across as real people themselves.

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