Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Replacement of gun registry chief slammed as ‘suspicious’

OTTAWA — A new director general has been named to replace RCMP Chief Supt. Marty Cheliak as the head of the Canadian Firearms Program, the RCMP confirmed Wednesday.

RCMP Chief Supt. Pierre Perron will take over from Cheliak, who is no longer in charge because his rank "doesn't meet the classification of the position," said Sgt. Pat Flood, a media relations officer at RCMP headquarters in Ottawa.

Perron will also be promoted to assistant commissioner, said Sgt. Julie Gagnon, another RCMP spokeswoman.

Critics have charged that Cheliak was ousted because he is a vocal champion of the long-gun registry, which is supported by a number of police associations, such as the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, but unpopular among many, especially rural Canadians.

"It's very suspicious," said Greg Dionne, president of the Canadian Association of Police Boards, the civilian oversight group that represents 75 per cent of municipal police forces in Canada.


The Rat said...

Maybe he was turfed because he overstepped his authority in ordering the confiscation of T-97 rifles and High Standard shotguns. Maybe the thousands of people lobbying their MPs for an end the confiscatory policies of the RCMP, outside the control of the elected government, resulted in this firing.

Liberals love "arms-length" agencies when they are stuffed full of Liberals. I hope that Harper continues to purge bureaucrats who forget policy is set by the elected government. It is time bureaucrats realized their job is to give advice in private not lobby in public. Frankly, it's time we saw the civil service more like the Americans do and senior posts should be held by the supporters of the government so that policy is implemented, not blocked.

Cari said...

I do see a pattern here....this will be the SECOND time they will keep an RCMP report from members of the opposition to read.
How convenient for the Government to stop him from getting the report, by moving him on.What is wrong with Harper's mentality..getting rid of anyone who disagree slightly with him?

wilson said...

PM Harper makes over 3400 appointments per term.
I hardly think 3 or even 10 is a pattern.

ridenrain said...

Delicious. Affirmative action employment rules bite the Libs in the ass and all they can do is make up lies.
Fact was the guy just couldn't speak french.