Monday, May 2, 2011

Last handshake, last canvass -- KUDOS to all candidates on a fine race!

As I stood in the rain saying "make sure to vote" I reflected on just how exhausting this process is. Going door to door is absolutely essential. We did, in fact, hit the entire riding. Yesterday we distributed another 4,500 pieces of literature -- the streets of Oshawa are Red with our signs.

What will be the result? We'll know soon enough but I will say this, it has been a heck of a hard run. The Greens, the Conservatives, the NDP and the other candidates (especially the Marxist-Leninist) have run hard, tough campaigns. Regardless of who wins it's worth remembering the good will of all candidates. Everyone is running for the "right" reason -- to make Canada a better place.

Obviously I disagree with much of what the other candidates say -- but they are saying what they believe and they all deserve respect for that.

KUDOS to all on a fine race!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks I enjoyed your blog throughout this campaign.

Rotterdam said...

You have handled the race with dignity, hard work and class.

Anonymous said...

Nothing about Bin Laden being killed Morton?

I guess you wouldn't want to ruffle any feathers the day of an election.

My condolences to Socialists, Anarchists, Unionists, Islamists, CUPE and the NDP, York University, Concordia University, Ryerson University, OISE, the Toronto Star, the CBC and other useful idiots for the untimely ILLEGAL assassination of their hero. Akin to the loss of Che Guevera - only worse for the impact on Jihadist Terrorism.

Please advise as to the first anti-US protest march. I'd like to attend - after voting for the NDP today - our own way of showing solidarity with Al Queda and the Taliban.

Dances With Dogz said...

You worked very hard and raced a tough race.. I do hope your efforts pay off! Kudos to you James - Best of Luck (Love this post!)

ItalianoMan said...

Anon, I am kinda hoping for a US led strike to take you out. You are one seriously f*cked up dude.

Anonymous said...

ItalianoMan said...

Anon, I am kinda hoping for a US led strike to take you out. You are one seriously f*cked up dude.

What did I say that's fucked up?

sassy said...

I Second Rotterdam's comment.

Very well done!!!

ridenrain said...

Campaigns are funny things. Everyone is out to show off their best yet when they get in the house, all that vanishes and it’s party discipline, rhetoric and entitlements. Candidates would do well to remember how hard this was for them and recognize how fast the voters can throw them out.
That said, I enjoyed reading your perspective on the campaign.

mp in toronto said...


After all your hard work this campaign, you deserve to win! Good luck today!

PS. Love the bears!

Anonymous said...


Your campaign was run with such hard work, dedication and class! Your continual respect of other parties, and your inclusion of all the competitors in the final celebration was commendable. And very inspirational!

The way you 'art directed' your campaign will always serve as the stellar example for all others to follow. May you win the seat James. In every other way you've been the winner all along.

All the best!!
Daria S.