Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stephen Harper continues to outstrip rival party leaders in popular support

It's hardly surprising that Stephen Harper is ahead -- I am surprised he has gained support since the election. There does not seem to be anything to propel him upwards.


Stephen Harper is enjoying an extended honeymoon with Canadian voters, leading his competitors by a wide margin and attracting numbers he hasn't seen for nearly a decade, according to a new Globe and Mail/CTV national poll.


Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight.

Harper won a majority government which means he has the majority of seats.

So within weeks his support is supposed to go down?

Why is everything backwards in Canada?

Is nothing normal in Canada?

James C Morton said...

Well, that's fair but I am not sure why it went up?

Anonymous said...

Why it went up?

Consider the other options....

doconnor said...

During the election everyone spends a lot more time criticizing him. Of course the opposition criticizes him after the election, but it doesn't dominate the news like it does during the election.