Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Your mortgage is due, your bank will renew but you say NO and lose the house

I heard this analogy to the US debt-ceiling crisis today and thought how apt. Politics is a serious business; sometimes political games have to stop. Remember Poland was a great power in the 1700s and fell apart largely because of politics... .


Anonymous said...

"Your mortgage is due, your bank will renew but you say NO and lose the house "

Why didn't Bam Bam sign the bill that passed the House?

Why did Harry Reid squash it without tabling it?

Bam Bam is still blaming this on Bush even though he is a CULTURAL MARXIST and wants to destroy the USA.

ridenrain said...

The analogy works only when the folks in the house have a terrible spending habit.

sharonapple88 said...

Why did Harry Reid squash it without tabling it?

Because the bill wouldn't raise the debt ceiling until Congress and the Senate each passed a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. This would call for two-thirds of both houses to vote for it. Considering the bill just passed with 234 votes in Congress, they would need to flip the 56 people who voted against it to vote for this amendment. All of this has to happen before August 2.

The whole thing was designed to fail.

Anonymous said...

"Because the bill wouldn't raise the debt ceiling until Congress and the Senate each passed a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution."

Why did Harry Reid not table the Balanced Budget Amendment?

Anonymous said...

It is pure politics. Both sides want to win the next election.

Political parties have become problematic. We'd be better off without them.