Sunday, August 21, 2011

English Riots

"Yes, the looters may only be "relatively" deprived - but then, the politicians are only relatively corrupt, the police are only relatively on the take (and relatively prone to shooting unarmed men) and the media is only relatively likely to invade privacy by whatever means possible. Relative to each other, all four estates are absolutely morally bankrupt."

From the August 22, 2011 New Statesman


Anonymous said...

It's the lawyers who corrupted everything. They don't work or even know how to work. Greedy Communists plotting to steal money from everyone else.

Todtknoph said...

I blame the Freemasons and the Cosmopolitians and they know who they are.

Anonymous said...

Morton and his friends are corrupt.

Ask Morton why no BIG SHOTS in Canada are ever locked up.