What's interesting here is that the Provinces, broadly put, pay for and run prosecutions (drug offiences are a partial exception). So if Quebec, say, simply fails to enforce Federal laws (as they did when Quebec stopped enforcing Canada's then existing abortion laws) there is very little the Federal Government can do. Of course, this may not be a real threat but rather a ploy for more Federal money:
Quebec justice minister says province won't pay costs of federal crime bill
OTTAWA - Quebec's justice minister says his province simply won't pay the costs associated with the federal government's new crime bill.Jean-Marc Fournier told a Commons committee that Quebec's criminal justice system is the envy of the world, and his government simply won't pay for changes that would jeopardize that.The Conservative omnibus bill includes a wide-range of measures, including changes to how young offenders are treated in the courts.
At what point can we have our own referendum?
Just cut the federal transfer payments to Quebec for the equivalent amount.
These sorts of threats were dealt to Alberta re: private health care by the Libs.
As Harper walks the fine line of encouraging Bloc and separatist sentiment (to kill the NDP in Quebec), he needs to be careful that he doesn't go too far and push Quebec into actually separating. If that happened, would he send in the army? Would he call Obama, declare an emergency, and have the Americans send in their army?
Umm, no, I think he'd pop the bubbly to celebrate a perma-majority in the ROC. That and maybe remind them to be careful that door doesn't hit them on their way out.
Anonymous said...
As Harper walks the fine line of encouraging Bloc and separatist sentiment (to kill the NDP in Quebec), he needs to be careful that he doesn't go too far and push Quebec into actually separating.
Oh, please. Quebec isn't going anywhere, and they know it. Ever looked closely at a BQ rally? Looks like a thousand teenagers at a rock concert; very few people over the age of 25 or so are gullible enough to believe that Quebec could actually afford to separate. It's analogous to having your kids move out but insist that you continue to pay their rent, groceries, car insurance, etc.
Never happen...especially now that we have finally proven that yes, you actually *can* win a majority government in Canada without the support of Quebec.
the criminal code is under the federal jurisdiction,isn't? So how can Quebec not enforce the law of the land? It would be illegal in my opinion! I didn't hear anyone from the Quebec gov't say they wouldn't enforce the law and I live in Montreal! I just heard them say they wouldn't pay,it's just politics! If a Judge sends someone to jail,they can't refuse them! If the law passes they won't have a choice but to follow the law or challenge it in court!
Proud Canadian -- good point and one I have often wondered about. It should not be that Federal legislation is applied unequally -- we are all Canadians and should be treated the same. That said, as a factual matter, if the Provincial Government chooses to not enforce Criminal Code matters, well, they are not enforced. Not saying that's right -- just saying that is (and while I disagree strongly with the crime bills, they are the law and I resepct and acknowledge the law even if I think it misguided)
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