Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Harper called out on accountability

Kristy Kirkup, Parliamentary Bureau

OTTAWA - The showdown is on, the jabs are out in full force, and the opposition is trying to break Stephen Harper.

"You have changed in some way," said NDP Leader Jack Layton Tuesday night, who joined Michael Ignatieff and Gilles Duceppe in calling out the Conservative leader on his accountability. "What happened, what changed?"

During round one of the election debate, opposition parties peppered Harper with questions on spending and secrecy but the Conservative leader concentrated on selling his economic record. Spending at the G8 summit, corporate tax cuts, and the cost of fighter jets were among hot button issues highlighted in the first leg of the fight.


Anonymous said...

Sorry bud.

Iggy didn't get it done..

Where have I heard that before?

Gene Rayburn said...

Sorry anon but you're wrong

Anonymous said...

Time to forget Harper, sell what you got. He'll have to come out of the rat hole then.

Anonymous said...

Gene ;
More wisdom..

No one, not one pundit believed he did what he needed to do.

Some say he didn't do too bad but even that is well short of what was needed.

Perhaps this one time you are wrong.

Dennis Buchanan said...

Have to say that Harper did look pretty good in the debate. Composed and smooth. It probably helps when you're not worried about actual facts, and feel at liberty to make up whatever you like:

I definitely wasn't thinking of forming a government in 2004...

...the plurality of seats is definitive in a Westminster Parliamentary system...

...there's nothing wrong with ignoring Parliament when its filled with people who are arguing with me...

...we were straightforward with Parliament...

...migrant workers usually stay...

...of course we can increase spending, cut taxes, and eliminate the deficit, because the tax cuts will pay for the increased spending...

I don't know how some of the other factual disputes line up, such as whether Harper cut settlement funds for immigrants (as Layton and Ignatieff say) or tripled them (as Harper says), but I have a sneaking suspicion...

Gene Rayburn said...

Well anon I don't ask for the thurs night panels opinion about car repair so sorry if I chose to make up my own mind. Truthfully there wasn't really a clear leader in this though I did appreciate it's more subdued tone.

I just don't base anything on pundits

Shena said...

I heard Harper wanted pianos instead of podiums.